
public protocol OutputStream

Output stream for writing to an underlying target.

Implementation notes:

Only the function write(data: UnsafePointer<Void>, lengthInBytes byteCount: Int) throws should be implemented. Other write/writeln functions should not be implemented as they are already implemented as an extension which will call the write(data: UnsafePointer<Void>, lengthInBytes byteCount: Int) throws function.

  • True, if the stream is open and data can be written.

    False, if the stream is closed and data cannot be written. Any calls of the write-function will fail and an IOError will be thrown.

    If the state of the stream changes, the delegate is notified by a call of the didClose-Method.



    var open:Bool
  • write(_:) Default implementation

    Writes the given data into the underlying ressource.

    The error may be .WouldBlock or .Again, which indicates that the read operation failed because no data is available and non-blocking I/O is used. In this case, the write operation has to be repeated.


    An IOError indicating that the operation failed.

    Default Implementation

    Writes the given data into the underlying ressource.

    The error may be .WouldBlock or .Again, which indicates that the read operation failed because no data is available and non-blocking I/O is used. In this case, the write operation has to be repeated.


    An IOError indicating that the operation failed.

    Writes the given StreamWritable-object into the underlying target.

    The error may be .WouldBlock or .Again, which indicates that the read operation failed because no data is available and non-blocking I/O is used. In this case, the write operation has to be repeated.


    An IOError indicating that the operation failed.



    func write(_ data: Data) throws



    Data which should be written.

  • write(_:encoding:) Default implementation

    Writes the given string encoded by the given encoding into the underlying ressource.

    The error may be .WouldBlock or .Again, which indicates that the read operation failed because no data is available and non-blocking I/O is used. In this case, the write operation has to be repeated.


    An IOError indicating that the operation failed.

    Default Implementation

    Writes the data at the given pointer into the underlying target. The byteCount specifies that

    The error may be .WouldBlock or .Again, which indicates that the read operation failed because no data is available and non-blocking I/O is used. In this case, the write operation has to be repeated.


    An IOError indicating that the operation failed.



    func write(_ string: String, encoding: String.Encoding) throws



    String which should be written


    Encoding to be used to convert the string to bytes. By default the string will be encoded using UTF-8 encoding.

  • Writes the data at the given pointer into the underlying target. The byteCount specifies that

    The error may be .WouldBlock or .Again, which indicates that the read operation failed because no data is available and non-blocking I/O is used. In this case, the write operation has to be repeated.


    An IOError indicating that the operation failed.



    func write(_ data: UnsafeRawPointer, lengthInBytes byteCount: Int) throws



    Pointer to the data to be written


    Number of bytes to be written

  • Writes the given StreamWritable-object into the underlying target.

    The error may be .WouldBlock or .Again, which indicates that the read operation failed because no data is available and non-blocking I/O is used. In this case, the write operation has to be repeated.


    An IOError indicating that the operation failed.



    func write(_ streamWritable: StreamWritable) throws



    The object to be written.

  • writeln(_:encoding:) Default implementation

    Writes the given string followed by a newline encoded by the given encoding into the underlying ressource.

    The error may be .WouldBlock or .Again, which indicates that the read operation failed because no data is available and non-blocking I/O is used. In this case, the write operation has to be repeated.


    An IOError indicating that the operation failed.

    Default Implementation

    Writes the given string followed by a newline encoded by the given encoding into the underlying ressource.

    The error may be .WouldBlock or .Again, which indicates that the read operation failed because no data is available and non-blocking I/O is used. In this case, the write operation has to be repeated.


    An IOError indicating that the operation failed.



    func writeln(_ string: String, encoding: String.Encoding) throws



    String which should be written. If no string is specified, only a newline will be written.


    Encoding to be used to convert the string to bytes. By default the string will be encoded using UTF-8 encoding.

  • Closes the stream and releases any associated ressources.

    Subsequent calls to the write-function should fail with an IOError.

    If the stream writes into a socket, the socket should be notified of this operation so it can be closed automatically if both streams are closed.



    func close()